PAHO/WHO supports the Government of Guyana in the Fight against COVID-19
12 August 2020
- The Ministry of Health received a number of medical supplies donated by PAHO/WHO and the Government of Canada. These donations received will equip the frontline workers in response to COVID-19 in an effort to flatten the curve in the country.
Dr. William Adu-Krow, PAHO/WHO Representative Guyana, informed the media present that PAHO is a Secretariat of Member States and as part of the Secretariat, it is PAHO`s duty is to support the member states, hence the donations received today. Dr. Adu-Krow indicated that the country received a number of items including PPEs, medical supplies, sanitation supplies and computers along with printers. He also indicated that the country will be receiving additional supplies in the following week including 30, 000 test kits, ventilators among others.
Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony, Minister of Health, expressed gratitude to PAHO/WHO for its continuous support to Guyana in fight against COVID-19, more so for the large donation received today. Minister Anthony stated that the donations received would be able to protect the frontline workers to deal with COVID-19 pandemic. He indicated that on the global market the items are very scarce, but through PAHO Guyana is able to have the right connections in order to receive the items needed.
He indicated that he is grateful that the Ministry of Health has received over 10,000 test kits so far and also will be receiving 30, 000 more test kits within the following week. Minister Anthony stated, “If we are to understand the dynamics of the epidemic is that we need to do more testing. That would substantially increase the capacity to do testing and so by testing we will then know how many people are infected and what precautions we need to take”.
In closing, Dr. Adu-Krow also recognized the many other entities that are contributing to Guyana`s fight against COVID-19, including the Government of Canada, DIFID, Government of India and the World Bank and stated that this is done to prepare and respond appropriately to the needs of the Country.